Designated Survivor 60 Days Korean Drama, Synopsis, Release, Cast

Designated Survivor: 60 Days Plot synopsis, cast, Korean Drama Tv series

Korean Drama: Designated Survivor: 60 Days 2019

Native Title: 60일 - 지정생존자
Subtitle: English
Alternative English title: Jijeongsaengjonja , 지정생존자 , Designated Survivor , 60-il - Jijeongsaengjonja , 60 Days, Designated Survivor
Directors: Yoo Jong Sun
Screenwriters: Kim Tae Hee
Genres: Political
Country: South Korea
Episodes: 16
Release Date: Jul 1, 2019 - Aug 20, 2019
Airs On: Monday, Tuesday
Network: tvN, Netflix
Duration: 60 min.

Synopsis: Designated Survivor: 60 Days

Park Moo Jin is a former professor of chemistry and now holds the position of Minister of the Environment. He has no ambition, personal convictions or political sense. One day the cabinet was assembled in the National Assembly for the address of the president. A terror attack is taking place, killing many government officials, including the president and ministers. Park Moo Jin is the highest official official who is still alive. He does not want the position, but he must sit as acting president for 60 days. Park Moo Jin pursues the person or group responsible for the attack as he grows as a national leader.

Main cast: Designated Survivor: 60 Days

Ji Jin Hee as Park Moo Jin | Heo Joon Ho as Han Joo Seung | Lee Joon Hyuk as Oh Young Seok | Kang Han Na as Han Na Kyung | Bae Jong Ok as Yoon Chan Kyung
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Lovely Rose

Lovely Rose is a content writer for I have always been interested in Korean, Chinese, and Thai dramas. These dramas have always been a source of entertainment for me. There are a few websites that have influenced me to write. These are MyDramaList, Soompi, Alkopop and AsianWiki. I have never really thought about writing about myself until now. I think it would be a fun experience to write about myself for a website.

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