Masterpiece Korean movie release, Plot Synopsis, Trailer

Masterpiece Plot synopsis, cast, Korean Movie 2019

Korean Movie: Masterpiece 2019

Native Title: 걸작
Subtitle: English
Alternative English title: Geoljak , Guljak
Genres: Comedy
Country: South Korea
Release Date: Jul, 2019
Duration: 1 hr. 22 min.

Synopsis: Masterpiece

Jin Wook is a 35-year-old actor wannabe. His wife So Young supports his dream and waits for him, but she is slowly tired of his lack of economic capacity. So he decides to make his own film and gather his friends, using his apartment price as collateral. So Young tears the set apart and with no audio equipment left, Jin Wook makes a silent movie.
Watch "Masterpiece" Trailer

Lovely Rose

Lovely Rose is a content writer for I have always been interested in Korean, Chinese, and Thai dramas. These dramas have always been a source of entertainment for me. There are a few websites that have influenced me to write. These are MyDramaList, Soompi, Alkopop and AsianWiki. I have never really thought about writing about myself until now. I think it would be a fun experience to write about myself for a website.

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