Japanese Drama: Soaking Wet Private Detective Hagoromo Mizuno 2019
Native Title: びしょ濡れ探偵 水野羽衣Subtitle: English
Alternative English title: Bishonure Tantei Mizuno Hagoromo
Genres: Supernatural, Detective
Country: Japan
Release Date: Jul 3, 2019
Airs On: Wednesday
Network: TV Tokyo
Duration: 30 min.
Synopsis: Soaking Wet Private Detective Hagoromo Mizuno
Hagoromo is a university student. She has a mysterious special skill that allows her to travel back in time when she gets soaked. She lives with her older brother Junnosuke and her father Shingo in a love hotel that her father runs. Her brother Junnosuke runs a private detective office from a room in the love hotel. He is not particularly good at his work and he always asks Hagoromo to go back in time to find out the truth.Main Cast: Soaking Wet Private Detective Hagoromo Mizuno
Ohara Sakurako as Mizuno HagoromoWatch "Soaking Wet Private Detective Hagoromo Mizuno" Trailer